Benefits of Swimming

Every person, regardless of age and / or ability, should learn to swim, if we consider that 80% of the planet is made up of water. But it is not just this simple argument, swimming is the most complete sport and will help you maintain a healthier life. That is why today we want to dedicate our post to the benefits that swimming can offer to your health.
Swimming will avoid joint injuries due to its low impact.
Because it is a sport practiced in the water, individually and by not falling or using a rigid or hard surface when you are swimming, you reduce the abuse or wear of the joints, improve the upper and lower muscle groups and help the joints to have greater flexibility and elasticity.
The lung and heart capacity increase with swimming.
Likewise, because it is practiced in the water, the athlete must have good coordination of the exercises with breathing, strengthening the lungs and expanding their capacity, as well as activating and increasing blood circulation, improving circulation with a decrease in heart rate.
Swimming helps you improve oxygenation of the brain.
The practice of swimming makes the brain receive more oxygen, in addition to activating both cerebral hemispheres, bringing benefits in the cognitive part of the body and delaying the loss of functions associated with aging.
Swimming helps reduce tension and body stress.
When you start a swimming session, the body comes into contact with the water and there is total relaxation and you only focus on having a coordination between the arms and the legs, as well as the movement to achieve adequate breathing.
Swimming helps weight loss and tones the body.
It is said that the practice of swimming burns around 500 calories per hour and tones all the muscles of the body, achieving a definition of them.
Swimming helps reduce back pain.
If you suffer from back pain, caused by a hernia, neurosurgeons recommend the practice of swimming to strengthen the muscles of the back and reduce the pressure on the hernia thus reducing the annoying pain.
Other diseases can be treated with swimming.
To strengthen the lungs and expand lung capacity, pulmonologists highly recommend its practice, especially for asthma patients.
These are some of the benefits that you can obtain by practicing this splendid sport, either because you want to swim for exercise or pleasure. It makes the person find herself, analyze the problems of home, work, study, etc. And sometimes come up with a solution to those problems.
It can be practiced by anyone of any age, from a 3-month-old infant to a senior citizen.
Swimming will help you have a healthier lifestyle.
For more information about our Swimming Lessons – Water Safety program.
We are Authorized Instrutcores of American Red Cross.